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Fast sea and air shipping. Competitive prices. Online tracking.
Great savings, at the lowest price. We help you in everything you need.
Quality comes first and our products are designed to last.
A thin layer of natural stone reinforced by a core of aluminum honeycomb panel and fiberglass sheets that gives the final set extreme lightness and great resistance to external agents such as thermal expansion.
With ultralight natural stone panels for facades we achieve performance never seen before in exterior cladding.
Its great lightness and the ability to manufacture large formats allow all types of facades and exterior walls to be installed in record time and with the minimum amount of resources.
The ideal solution for fast and light architecture.
These panels have a maximum size of 2900mm. x 1450mm and thicknesses from 7 mm. up to 20mm depending on the application, design or desired effect.
Fast sea and air shipping. Competitive prices. Online tracking.
Great savings, at the lowest price. We help you in everything you need.
Quality comes first and our products are designed to last.